New Features 

 The Mi-Token reporting engine now supports storing its records in an Oracle database. 

 Mi-Token can proxy RADIUS requests on unsuccessful verification, making parallel deployment much easier. 

 Official OATH certification, including: 

o Full support for the PSKC seed-file format 

o Support for HMAC-SHA-256/384/512 based tokens 

 Various UI Improvements and additions, including multiple simultaneous token unassignment. 

 Support for a variety of on-demand features, e.g. temporary tokens. 

 Microsoft© Gina and Credential Provider plug-in to enable two-factor authentication for Windows login. 


 Importing token files dialog now supports selecting specific file extensions. 

 Unassigning a token for the first time will prompt you to confirm the action. You can toggle whether or not this prompt appears in the settings. 

 The RADIUS plugin installer has been greatly improved. It will now attempt to install under different services accounts. This prevents permission install errors and improves overall installation stability. 

 The soft token provisioning website configuration has been simplified. 

 The administration guide now includes more detailed instructions and is updated for this latest release. 

 A prerequisites guide has been created. 

Bug Fixes 

 Resolved an issue that caused particular token search queries to return incorrect results. 

 Resolved an issue that caused the licensing status to be invalid after a license import. 

 Resolved an issue that caused the RADIUS plugin to leave components behind after being uninstalled. 

 Resolved an issue that caused the token drift functionality to not display correctly. 

 Resolved an issue that when selecting all token including containers it would not allow you to unassign. 

 Resolved an issue causing occasional installation issues in environments with high replication latency. 

Roadmap for release 4.4 

 Fully customizable administration rights for token operators and sub-users. 

 New Soft-Token provisioning methods. 

 Windows Phone 7 application. 

 Windows Desktop soft-token application. 

 Improved Mi-Token Installers. 

 Improved API functionality. 

 Bug fixes / small functionality enhancements as required